Sponsor Inf

⚽︎ min- 50 rbx
130+ entries

⚽︎ 100 rbx
150-180+ entries

⚽︎ 1000 rbx
350-400+ entries

 Mw/Mm Service Info 

⚽︎ I can hold Royale High and Adopt Me
⚽︎ Free service so just dm me

⚽︎ mm/mw is used for people who are doing crosstrades. How it works is the mm/mw will add both people and take the item from one person. once the person gives the other the item they offered to the other person, the mm/mw will give the item to the person after the trade.

 Boosting service Inf

⚽︎ 10 robux + Tax to boost

⚽︎ Boost is when you want your tweet to get more attention, I can RT/QRT or anything else that can help get attention!